Monday, August 23, 2010
Iron gall ink, part 1.5
The gall/water mixture is still fermenting. The weather in Seattle has cooled so I might leave it to sit for awhile longer to make sure it's good and ripe. I found that the ratio of one part ground gall to four parts water was not wet enough to allow for the fermentation process. Once the galls soaked up all the water it made more of a thick paste and was just sitting and drying out rather than fermenting. So I cut the paste in half and added 30 ounces of water to the second half, making the ratio more like 7.5 ounces gall to 90 ounces water (about one part ground gall to 12 parts water, if my meager math skills aren't failing me). Put the bowl back out to sit some more and it's looking much more promising now. Stay tuned...